0428 710 861
Master Painters
Sunshine Coast Specialising in Commercial & Domestic Painting
MDM Painting Contractors specialise in commercial painting, external and internal house painting, servicing Sunshine Coast to Brisbane.
After 35 years we at MDM Painting Contractors believe, that our commitment to our standards has proved us with the continuation of ongoing work with our builders.
MDM Painting Contractors
supply reliable and on time professional services
Quality Workmanship
We are a company committed to acheiving high standards of quality workmanship
Professional Service
Mick McRae has 35 years of professional painting on the Sunshine Coast behind him, working with many large building contractors.
Licensed &
MDM Painting Contractors are licenced and fully insured.
ABN: 66 115 007442
QBCC Licence #1105279
Why Choose Us
Let's Discuss
Your Next Project
Call us to set up a convenient time to discuss your project or email: mdmpainters@bigpond.com
0428 710 861
PO Box 867, Mooloolaba Qld 4557
Service Areas: Sunshine Coast and Brisbane
ABN: 66 115 007442
QBCC Licence #1105279