0428 710 861
About MDM Painting Contractors
Mick McRae is one of the leading commercial and residential painting contractors on the Sunshine Coast.
Mick offers an extensive range of painting services including commercial building painting services and residential painting services. Mick is used to handling projects of all sizes, from large scale blocks of units, warehouses or factory painting projects to small residential / commercial paint repair jobs.
Call to discuss your project and you will find MDM Painting Contractors prices are competitive.
Job Opportunities
MDM Painting Contractors pride themselves on providing excellent service and workmanship.
If you are looking for a job as a painter on the Sunshine Coast and think you would fit in with our team of painting professionals, contact us today to find out more about the roles we have available.
We take care of our employees and we offer some of the best painting jobs on the Sunshine Coast.
Our Quality Guarantee
MDM Painting Contractors guarantee the quality and workmanship of their team. We proudly guarantee the brands of paint and coating products that we use. Our fully trained and licensed painters are insured and certified to carry out an extensive range of painting services.